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Office Phone Number Text or Call: 1-(408)-982-7277

Book an appointment with Dr. Fu available online:

Address: 317 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95030 


Quality and Service: At Acupuncture Retreat, we are committed to providing the highest level of professional care and service to every patient.

Let our patients describe their experiences in their own words:

 It's... a BOY!!!

By David P., Saratoga, California

"I went to Dr. Heidi Fu on the recommendation of my wife Connie who is a patient of Dr. Fu. I broke my shoulder and cracked a few ribs in a bike accident in November of 2009. As an amateur athlete I was worried that I would not recover from my injuries and be able to train for the upcoming bike-racing season. I race both road and velodrome. The nature of the fracture required that I wear a sling that prevented arm movement.

I wore the sling for six weeks getting X-Rays every two weeks. If the shoulder didn't heal properly then I would have to get surgery. During this period I started acupuncture with Dr. Fu. My recovery progressed very well with acupuncture - my cracked ribs healed quickly. After six weeks it was determined that I didn't need surgery for my shoulder. I attribute this quick healing to Dr. Fu's acupuncture techniques and herbal remedies. I'm continuing with acupuncture as it is helping with my overall shoulder movement, recovery, and energy levels. I have been racing since January and I'm in good shape for the upcoming racing season. I highly recommend Dr. Heidi Fu."

By Aileen, LA, California

"My husband and I have been treated by her for a variety of different health issues. Due to stress, a chunk of my husband's hair fell out (about the size of a quarter) and wouldn't grow back. The western doctors all told us he would need cortisone shots, but we decided to go the Chinese medicine route. Within a month of treatments from Dr. Fu, the hair grew back and everything is back to normal now.

I had been seeing Dr. Fu for migraines and overall health. At the time my husband and I had also decided to start trying for a baby. My migraines are gone now and we have a beautiful, healthy, happy 5 month old baby!

Dr. Fu is an amazing healer. She has this positive energy that just makes people comfortable and relaxed. I always leave her office feeling refreshed, energized and healed."

From Dr. Bill L.,M.D., Los Gatos, California

"I am a physician and surgeon who studied and trained at a major US university and I have had a successful career in the practice of medicine. Acupuncture was not a part of my training and had not been a part of any of the treatment regimens which I prescribed, but I know that many insurance companies cover it. I myself have remained ignorant of its practice and efficacy, so I decided to find out about it for myself.

I went to see Dr Heidi Fu in Los Gatos with no specific complaint, but a desire to satisfy my curiosity. I was invited to lie down on a medical table, pleasant background music was provided, and then Dr Fu proceeded to insert a series of acupuncture needles into various parts of my body.

The treatment lasted nearly an hour and when it was finished, I felt the most relaxed and free of tension and stress that I have felt in a very long time. This euphoric feeling and its pleasant memory lasted for days. I should also mention that the needle placement was painless.

If you have stress or tension that doesn't seem to respond to some of the more traditional treatments you are trying, I would highly recommend a visit to Dr Fu."

From Nicole B. San Jose, California

Dr Heidi Fu - is amazing!! We have spent 5+ years trying to get pregnant - for our last try via IVF I started seeing Dr. Fu. She has been so helpful in helping me achieve my pregnancy. My body immediately started to respond to her treatments and herbs and I finally had a successful IVF cycle! Her energy is very positive and uplifting and she made me feel very comfortable from the moment I met her. She is very easy to communicate with via text and her schedule is very flexible. I am so grateful for her help!

From Jasmine B. Los Gatos, California

"Good Afternoon, Dr. Fu! Guess what? We DID it!!! My pregnancy test came back POSITIVE this morning!!!!!!! Yeah! We're SOOOOO happy! : )

I am so excited about the positive test result, and so I can stay calm ; ) Momma Jasmine B."

Text message from Jasmine:

"Good Evening, Dr. Fu! Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am thankful for your support in getting my body's garden balanced and in getting my fertility health strong. You are a great doctor! Yes! Let's continue to serve Baby B. in the year ahead! (and Mamma B. too!) I hope your holiday is restful and enjoyable! Cheers! Jasmine :-) "

From ED. Los Gatos, California

So happy we found Dr. Fu. She has helped both my husband and my lower back issues and most astonishing, she has been able to get rid of my daughter's terrible cough (when she gets a cold...any cold). Now 15, she has been suffering with a nagging cough *every* time she gets sick. It's loud and hard on her body and lasts up to 3 weeks. No over the counter or prescription medicine has ever helped but after 2 visits with Dr. Fu, her cough went away...we were shocked and thrilled! Go to her...she is amazing!!

From American soprano Lisa Delan, Santa Clara, CA

"There is an innate wisdom within our bodies, and Traditional Chinese Medicine works with that wisdom to help us heal and thrive. I have experienced acupuncture ease my migraines, clear my lungs when they were congested before performing concerts, calm stress, aid digestion - and were it not for TCM I do not believe I would have my two remarkable children, the lights of my life. After being diagnosed with premature ovarian failure in my 20's I was told that I would never conceive and that there was no available treatment. I chose to utilize acupuncture in the hopes that I could restore some level of hormonal and endocrine balance - and within a year was pregnant! Many people turn to TCM when western medicine offers no treatment options for illness, but I have also found a tremendous value in TCM for preventative care and overall wellness. We all too easily overlook self care amidst the demands of our daily lives, but it is essential to our quality of life."

From Gregory G., Capitola, CA

Dr.Heidi Fu has helped me with 3 areas. I originally come in suffering from severe lower back pain. I pulled a muscle helping a friend move a large color TV. It was so uncomfortable before my first visit, I could not sit beyond 30 minutes and get out of bed. After my first visit to Dr. Fu I had regained most mobility and after the second visit was back to 90%. A week later I was 100%.

Next, I have suffered from "dry eye" for many years. The optometrist prescribed dry eye oils. I have been seeing Dr.Fu for the past month and her treatment has been very effective. I no longer need to use oil to sooth my eyes.

I came down with an upper respiratory cold. Dr. Fu used cupping to alleviate the symptoms of congestion, coughing and sneezing. I'm feeling much better after only a few days.

Dr.Fu begins each session by asking how she can help. She is very sensitive to the needs of her patients. I highly recommend her practice. I have come to believe in her methodology and treatment.

From Emily C. Los Gatos, California

My only feeling after just ONE treatment with Dr. Fu? PAIN FREE!!!! I have degenerative disk disorder at 31 - meaning that so far, the disk between two of my lower back vertebra has basically dried out and now it's bone on bone action resulting in intense lower back and hip/leg pain that I am forced to deal with DAILY and have been for the past few years. My options? Pain management or surgery. At 31, major spinal surgery didn't sound like something I'm up for, and I heard about Dr. Fu from my mother (Dr. Fu cured her frozen shoulder and helped with eliminating fluid from a knee injury) and thought I would give it a try!

I went to Dr. Fu for the first time last week and after only one acupuncture session, I was actually pain free for the rest of the day, a feeling I hadn't felt in years, even with massive doses of over the counter pain meds.

While I'm just at the beginning of my treatments with Dr. Fu, what I CAN say is that she is professional, knowledgeable, attentive, and made my first time acupuncture experience not only completely pain-free, but also so relaxing that I nearly fell asleep during treatment! But by far the best benefit was being pain free for the rest of the day. My pain has since returned, but she has assured me that with twice-weekly treatments, the amount of time I will be pain free will only increase. AND she can help with psioriasis too :)

Bottom line is, I will absolutely be going back to Dr. Fu and continuing my treatment with her (trying out cupping to help with inflammation as well), I would encourage anybody dealing with lower back pain to give Dr. Fu a chance to help!

From Claire G. San Jose, California

Dr. Fu is a true professional! I had never experienced acupuncture before, and was nervous to say the least. She was warmth and considerate. She was informative, which is most significant to me in order to feel comfortable. Even with my limited budget, this treatment will be effective. And she is completely considerate of the fact that I have very little funds to dedicate to self-care as a whole, and acupuncture specifically. I appreciate the professionalism, expertise and consideration she evidenced. I have already felt the benefits of acupuncture and with the information she provided it can only get better as we work on scheduling at the right time and the effects of each visit. If you need a great place to find acupuncture, look no further than Acupuncture Retreat with Dr. Fu!

From Anna S., Cupertino, California

"Recently I had 3 visits to Dr. Heidi Fu’s office to help with my over-exercising and overall to boost my immune system and decrease my stress level. Every time after my acupuncture session I feel great! This experience is fantastic!

Dr. Heidi Fu is an amazing person, very warm, caring and highly professional.​

She takes her time to learn about patients and offers the best service one could only imagine. Her office is very elegant and relaxing.

I would highly recommend Dr. Heidi Fu to anyone, who has any health problems or overall who just wants to get a boost of energy and inspiration!"

From Heidi G., Los Gatos, California

“I have been treated by Dr. Fu for over a year now. She has treated me for back, knee, and stomach pain. She has also treated me for over all wellness and my blood pressure. I highly recommend Dr. Fu. She is knowledgeable and very skilled. I have chronic knee pain from a car accident from 20 years ago and Dr. Fu works wonders on my pain from my arthritis. She also did such a great job on helping me lower my blood pressure that my cardiologist didn't need to put me on medication and asked for her cards. I have yet to find anything that she can not help with. Dr. Fu is very professional, will bill insurance, and extremely knowledgeable of western and eastern medicine.”

From Aimee C., Los Gatos, California

"Dr. Heidi is a fantastic healer. She has been helping me with several different issues for the last year, and I have been amazed at the results. Dr. Heidi is very attentive and makes each visit a relaxing and pleasant experience.

What makes Dr. Heidi so special is that she truly cares about each of her patients. She takes time to listen and creates a detailed and personalized plan for each visit. I highly recommend Dr. Heidi!"

From Annaliese T., Los Gatos, California

“Dr. Heidi Fu is an excellent Acupuncturist. I highly recommend her to anyone who is new to acupuncture (and you have always wanted to try it) or even if you are a seasoned patient (because her skills are so good). I went to Dr. Fu looking for help to deal with my two autoimmune disorders (MS and Sjogren’s Disease). I have lost sensation in my feet and legs and deal with dry eyes and mouth as well as a variety of other health issues and wanted to see if acupuncture could help. I was surprised with the immediate positive response my body had to acupuncture and found myself encouraged by the work Dr. Fu was doing. Without a doubt there were improvements as well as a calmer sense of well-being with each session. She is very professional and cares very much about your experience and satisfaction. You can absolutely trust her and her skills.

Thank you Dr. Fu!!”

By M.K., Los Gatos, California

"I am extremely happy with Dr. Fu. She has greatly helped in my healing process for my lower back and circulation issues. She takes time before each appointment to sit with me and discuss my current health condition. She is very knowledgeable about both Eastern and Western medicine, and provides a lot of helpful information on how to maintain balance and health throughout my daily life. Finally, she is very accommodating in scheduling an appointment. I highly recommend Dr. Fu and the Acupuncture Retreat."

By Bradley B. San Jose, California

"Very few instances in life do you cross paths with someone as driven and focused as Dr. Fu. There are professionals who do their work for the paycheck, and there are those who find a deeper reward in helping others. I have found her genuine efforts in healing my ailments to make a huge difference in my outlook. I have many problems but of the most sever would be my lower back, jaw, and overall stress. I have found her treatment to be highly effective in all areas, and has given me great relief that lasts longer than any internal medicines I have ever taken. I am not scared of needles, however I could tell if I was Dr. Fu would make the experience pleasant. She does a great job at making sure you are comfortable throughout the whole process and does not rush her appointments giving you time to heal and feel the results. Overall I have found her charisma and demeanor to be unlike any other healthcare professional and highly attribute her positive energy to the results I have gotten. One thing we discussed in my treatment was the benefits of positive energy and surrounding yourself with positive people to improve your success in life. As a graduate student I found her view on education admirable, having graduated with her Bachelor's before she was 20 made me realize the work ethic she has. She is very open with her training and traditional Chinese education, which made all the difference in making me comfortable in her care. The results are amazing, from physical to mental improvements, and I am excited to move forward having someone like her care for my problems.

Above all else she has shown me there are professionals who take a personal responsibility with their patients. I would recommend Dr. Fu without any hesitation as one of the most influential doctors that I have had for my healing.”

From Gina, San Jose, California

“I starting seeing Dr. Fu to help with my on-going issues with Carpal Tunnel. The treatment was very effective and I instantly noticed a difference in my inflammation level.

The office is very calming, with light music in the background, and the sound of wind chimes. Dr. Fu always ensures that I feel comfortable. After each session I go home to bed and I sleep so good, that I feel very renewed the following day.

In addition to the acupuncture treatment, Dr. Fu utilizes TuiNa Therapy on my arms and wrists, and applies this amazing healing oil, called Red Flower. My arms and wrists feel so healthy afterwards, and there is an added benefit of smooth and soft skin. The key to the successful treatments is how they are personalized to fit the needs of my specific issues. I highly recommend Dr. Fu! Thanks! Gina”

By Lisa W. San Francisco, California

“I began seeing Dr. Fu about a year ago, the concern being a nerve condition in my foot. I would suffer from swelling and excruciating pain when standing. I spoke with a podiatrist and neurologist regarding the issue, no one could explain exactly what was causing the swelling, nor could they help the pain and swelling without western medicine, which had extreme side effects. I am health conscious and aware of what is going into my body, western medicine solutions were not for me, nor did they seem to be effective long term. After 3 treatments at Acupuncture Retreat, the swelling in my foot dramatically reduced and the pain was almost undetectable. I have now been receiving treatment from Dr. Fu for about a year, focusing on maintaining overall good health, I am also extremely happy the issues with my foot have subsided. I find myself to be more energized, active and my stress levels have dramatically reduced due to the acupuncture treatments. I highly recommend Dr. Fu for any health issues, along with maintaining an overall balanced and healthy life. Thank you Dr. Fu- Lisa”

By Kendall M., Los Gatos, California

"My mom has a very rare type of blood cancer and her treatments have been very difficult. Heidi worked with her to create a specialized treatment plan that apparently did wonders for my mom. Therefore, my mom highly recommended Heidi to me during my pregnancy. I was suffering from intense nausea and sciatic nerve pain that was making me limp around; the pain was awful. Literally, after one session with Heidi I was walking around, painless and happy. I brought my husband in to her to help with his back pain and sinuses. He became hooked as well.

My husband, mom, and I strongly agree that the best part about Dr.Fu’s acupuncture is that her main focus is helping people rather than simply doing a job or making money. It is evident that she really cares about her clients and makes the entire experience comfortable and easy. The treatments are both mental and physical; they’re a great way to relax and recharge your batteries.

Plus she worked with me and my insurance to make it super affordable. This is something that I have never experienced elsewhere and appreciate her making it work for me."

By Lisa B., San Jose, California

"I have been seeing Dr. Fu for my sleuth of health issues, since January 2011. I ardently appreciate her bedside manner in taking great interest and care of my illnesses. She has already managed to aid with menopausal symptoms (and I believe will relieve them); as well as convincing me that TCM (traditional chinese medicine) benefits each body system/meridian in relation to one another; contrary to many western doctors (whom simply mask symptoms and ask innocuous questions).

She is very thorough with her work! She also offers heated massage tables for treatment, accompanied with tranquil fountain and your choice of music. I have even brought my daughter on a couple of occasions! Thank you, Dr. Fu, for educating me and getting my body into gear for 'year of the rabbit' =D"

By Connie P., Saratoga, California 

"I went to Dr. Heidi Fu for jaw pain as I clench and grind my tooth which causes me migraines. I was also experiencing lower and upper back pain that was preventing me from exercising and doing daily activities. I previously went to a chiropractor for relief on my lower and upper back but it didn't seem to work for me. I was a bit skeptical but decided to try acupuncture. I found the results simply amazing and very effective. After a few treatments with Dr Heidi Fu, I felt relief in my back and my jaw pain subsided. Dr Heidi Fu is excellent. She is very thorough in her analysis and is very gentle in her approach. I also found after treatment that I had more energy and felt less stressful. I would highly recommend Dr. Heidi Fu."

By Argam D.Los Gatos, California

"I've been going to Dr. Fu for back pain issues. She has an innate talent for healing and has helped me in my recovery. She really cares for my recovery and always dives deep into the cause of a medical problem, rather than just treating the pain. Here office is very calm and serene, which make each one of the treatments very relaxing and healing.

Dr. Fu's treatments have substantially helped my recovery and I would recommend her to my friends and family."

Text message from Lindsay, Los Gatos, California

“My depression is gone today! I feel sooooo sooooo much better. Thank you!! Lindsay”

From Pete G., Los Gatos, California

“Hi Heidi, I wanted to let you know how helpful your acupuncture services have been for me these past few months. I had never considered acupuncture for anything until my wife, also named Heidi, went in to see you last year for some of her health issues. After seeing how you helped my wife, I was intrigued and I started thinking about going in to see how you might help me as well.

My health issue was related to my left shoulder, which I had injured some time in the past during weight lifting activities. The pain in my shoulder had reached a point where I was not able to lift the amount of weight I could before and I thought I needed surgery to fix the situation. Reaching the point of potentially needing surgery drove me to try acupuncture.

After three or four acupuncture sessions, my shoulder started feeling a lot better. I was completely amazed. After another few sessions, I was able to start lifting heavier weights. Another amazing turn around. I have now been going in for weekly sessions over the last four months and my shoulder problems are so much better that I can't even believe it. I've avoided surgery, I'm feeling 110% better, and life is good again!

As an added bonus, I had a crown done for one of my teeth, which had cracked. I started having extreme tooth pain about two weeks after having the crown put in. I told Heidi about my pain and she started treating it with acupuncture. After the first session my pain was reduced. After the second session, the pain was 100% gone. Again, I was totally amazed at what acupuncture can achieve.

I highly recommend Dr. Fu for addressing any health issue you may have. Her approach is very gentle, she tailors her approach to each individuals needs, and she discusses all of the potential options you may have to address your specific issue. I am now a true believer in the amazing results that acupuncture can provide and I'm a firm supporter of Dr. Fu as an incredible acupuncturist. Thanks Dr.Heidi!"

Fron Lisa D., Los Gatos, California

"Thank you so much for your treatment today - my migraine pain was at least 80% diminished afterwards, and is almost gone now... what a blessing! I want to thank you again for working with me on payment so I can benefit from consistent treatment - I truly appreciate it."

From S kumar, Sunnyvale, California

“I visited Dr. Heidi Fu’s Office for my headache problem. I had frequent headache problems for the last two years. After 9 consecutive acupuncture treatments my frequent headache was completely cured by Dr Heidi’s treatment. Dr Heidi quickly diagnosed high blood pressure as the cause of my headache. With combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine and life style changes Dr Heidi brought my blood pressure under control which helped to reduce the frequency of headaches.

I was taking Tylenol and ibuprofen when ever I had headaches and now with Dr Heidi’s quick diagnosis and treatment process my headache problem is completely cured and I don’t need to rely on pain killers anymore.”

Text Message from JR, Los Gatos, California

"Thank you for my treatment today. I feel surprisingly refreshed

after such a rough week. :) "

By Mike B., Cupertino, California

"Since my ski injury years ago, my shoulder has been nothing but trouble. I’ve had surgery, taken drugs, and suffered. I was skeptical about acupuncture, but, after meeting with Dr. Fu, I finally felt comfortable to give it a try. And it was the first treatment that offered immediate and noticeable change! Prior to visiting Dr. Fu, my shoulder and elbow hurt every day; but the pain stopped almost immediately! I am no longer skeptical at all. Thank you, Heidi Fu!! If you have pain and are reluctant to try acupuncture, you should meet Dr. Fu and she will help you for sure."

By Lucia C., Freedom, California

"I had restless legs syndrome for some time. I couldn’t even sleep because my legs would bother me so much! I came to Dr. Heidi Fu and after just one treatment that restlessness has gone away! I know it sounds like a paid infomercial on TV but it’s true! I don’t know what I would do without her. About a year ago, I had this horrible anxiety that made me not be able to eat. My weight dropped to 87 pounds and I was afraid I was going to die. I went to the hospital many times and they said everything was fine; that I was OK. But still, I couldn’t eat, not even drink water. I was pretty sure I was dying. I came across Dr. Heidi’s website on the internet and just called her. She saw me right away that same day. And to my mom’s and husband’s happiness (and mine of course!) I’m still here. I can eat anything I want! My weight has gone up to a healthy one and I can enjoy my favorite food again: pizza!"

From Aubin L., Campbell, California

"I'm an engineer by training - very detail oriented and generally skeptical. I was not sure what benefits acupuncture would bring me, but due to general frustration with western medicine and its approach to treating symptoms rather than causes, I decided that I had nothing to lose and tried acupuncture. My only regret is that I did not start sooner. I am a unique case because I have a condition known as Cerebral Palsy. In the time since I started seeing Dr Fu she has helped me with muscle tightness, back and leg pain, stomach issues, sinus issues, and has even managed to resolve issues that have left my western doctors scratching their heads. Dr Fu is very kind and generous with her time - my acupuncture visits have become the highlight of my week. I highly recommend acupuncture in general, and Dr. Fu in particular, to everyone who might wonder whether acupuncture can help them or not. The answer is a resounding yes."

By Jack Z., Monte Sereno, California

"Dear Dr. Fu, I initially visited your office with excruciating pain in my lower back and left knee. The sciatic nerve was being pinched causing shooting pains down the right leg. Also, constant pain in my left knee due to old football injury. Tired of taking painkillers, without much relief.

I sought pain relief by trying acupuncture. I was new to Eastern medicine and you treated me exceptionally well and explained all procedures. After just 4 treatments my pain has subsided and I'm feeling much better.

I am grateful for your expertise, care for your patients and your tremendous contribution to improving my daily life.

Sincerely,  Jack Z.,  Sr. Mechanical Engineer"

By Gerald G., San Ramon, California

“As my first experience in acupuncture it felt as if you were floating on water. I could not believe the feeling because I’ve never had that sense of feeling in any type of holistic treatment. I’ve had this neck problem for many years and could not find a sense of relieve. Dr. Fu did an excellent job in treating my problem I would highly recommend that you see her. I would drive an hour to receive acupuncture treatment.

I am a tennis instructor for the Head Coach at Stanford John Witlinger and USPTA Tom Sarsfield.”

By Francisca C.’s daughter, Los Gatos, California

"My mom has had this eye twitching for the past two years! She wouldn’t be able to eat or talk without it jumping up and down. Her eye wouldn’t even open anymore. I had taken her to different doctors and they gave her medication that would not work at all. I think she fell into depression because she wouldn’t want to go out or talk to anybody because she was very embarrassed. After Dr. Heidi Fu treated my mom for the first time, she felt so alive! She feels more relaxed now and can smile again. After some treatments, my mom’s eye doesn’t twitch at all sometimes. She is getting better and better with every visit. There is nothing more pleasing than seeing your mom laugh and sing again. Also, my mom’s foot was hurting really bad, we went to the doctor and they took some x-rays and said it was broken. After some treatments with Dr. Fu we went back and the doctor did other x-rays and was amazed to see the foot was already healing! They couldn’t believe it because it was too soon and because of my mom’s age. I would definitely recommend her. God works wonders through her!"

Text message from Katrina K., Saratoga, California

"Just wanted to say thanks, the swelling on my right cheek went down a lot and feel better =) "

By Oleg V., Palo Alto, California

"My mother recommended that I go see Dr. Heidi Fu for acupuncture because she had a great experience with her. I have been suffering from jaw tension (teeth grinding) and severe headaches. With visits to the acupuncture retreat my conditions have been greatly improving. I highly recommend Dr. Heidi Fu for acupuncture."

By Jere M., Mountain View, California

"I am a very active 74 year old business owner. In addition to running my financial service business, I play Tennis three or four times a week, jog, and ride a bike. A few mounts ago I started having knee problems that caused pain and hampered my mobility on the tennis court. I tried rest, ibuprofen (800mg per day), physical therapy and stretching exercise with minimal results after 90 days.

I met Heidi Fu at a social event and I was discussing my problem with her. She suggested Acupuncture. I was somewhat skeptical but after two sessions the pain was gone and my mobility was excellent.

Heidi is very professional and treats you in a very relaxed and comfortable facility. Her fast results have reinforced my belief in the great healing power of Qi. With her help I hope to continue my active life style for at least two more decades."

Text Message from KL, Sunnyvale, California

"My back is about 50% better. Thanks! Kurt"

Two more treatments: "Hello Heidi, My back is about 95% healed! Thank you very much. I appreciate your help. Kurt "

By Damon W., Los Gatos, California

"I first visited Heidi for treatment on my shoulder that I injured playing baseball. I had limited range of motion and a lot of pain. Through her acupuncture treatments, I now have full range of motion back, my arm feels great, and I’m ready to play next season. Additionally, the treatments gave me several unexpected benefits, including improvements to my overall health, well-being, and happiness. I am a very satisfied patient and look forward to continued visits!"

By Yvette Y., Saratoga, California

"I went to Dr.Heidi Fu in search of a solution to my highly irritable skin, which had become scarred and blistered by deep acne and allergic reactions. I had always been skeptical about the credibility of acupuncture, but I can say confidently that after one treatment, my body felt detoxified. The scars became lighter and no new growths appeared. And after a second treatment, the difference was even more evident.

In regards to the idea of having multiple needles stuck into you, as intimidating as it may sound, I basically felt nothing. Dr. Fu is gentle enough with her technique that you won't feel any pain in most areas. In fact, I found myself laughing because I am a very ticklish person. The overall experience was lighthearted, relaxing, and very comfortable, and not to mention, effective."

By Thad S., Campbell, California

" I first thought to go to acupuncture because of some recurring physical ailments I was having with my knee and shoulder. After finding Acupuncture Retreat on the website of my insurance company I decided to give it a try.

I had heard mixed reviews from friends that had been to acupuncture before, but thought it would be worth checking out even if it was only once.

After my first visit with Heidi I was convinced her treatment was what I needed. That isn't to say that I was magically healed after that first session, because I wasn't, but there was more on offer than just sticking needles in my skin. I vividly remember feeling both fully relaxed while simultaneously feeling completely energized after that first visit, and was excited to go back again. Each visit is different while also feeling healing in different ways.

Her soft and kind tone, along with the small water fountain in the corner of one of her rooms, make it a relaxing place to forget about everything else while you are being taken care of. She has a gentle touch, and although my brain knows my body is being poked with needles, it certainly doesn't feel like it is.

Heidi has always done an excellent job of finding out if anything other than just physical injuries are bothering me, and she goes above and beyond to treat those things as well.

It is obvious that she wants to help people feel better, and her giving nature is perfectly suited for this. She is a true professional and someone that I highly recommend."

By Allen M., Mountain View, California

“I met with Dr Fu after having dealt with pain and annoyance in my shoulder and elbow for many years. Originally injured in a ski accident, my shoulder has not been good even after surgery for quite some time. I was skeptical about acupuncture, but Dr. Fu convinced me it could help, and she did a great job. The pain subsided almost immediately, and I am no longer skeptical about acupuncture! If you have a pain problem and haven't tried something as simple as acupuncture, call Dr Fu and she'll help you!”

By Kurt L., Sunnyvale, California

"I am 47 years old, and had never tried acupuncture treatment before. Being slightly sceptical, but open minded, I made an appointment with

Dr. Fu for accupunture to treat frequent headaches. I really didn't know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised by the experience. There was no pain involved, and the treatment was remarkably effective. After a single one hour treatment, my headaches disappeared and they have not returned in over 6 months. I really don't know if the results in my case are typical, but all I can say is the treatment worked for me. If you have any doubts about acupuncture, it really is worth a try as an alternative to Western-style medicine. I recommend Dr. Heidi Fu."

By Mary C., San Jose, California

"I would recommend Dr.Heidi Fu to all of my friends and family. I've struggled with migraines over the past 10 years, and nothing else has come close to relieving the pain. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine helped me. And I love that it is all natural! I find Dr.Fu from friend's referral and she is also in my health insurance provider network.‎"

By David H., Mountain View, California

"Dr. Fu is my first acupuncture doctor ever. I started seeing her this year when my seasonal allergies kicked in causing me to sneeze a lot. I sought alternative medicine since the usual OTC medications caused me to lose concentration at my work (dry mouth and loss of focus). Heidi suggested an herbal medicine as an alternative which turned out to be as effective, and without the side-effects of my OTC medicines.

With that success, I decided to try full-on acupuncture to further open up my nasal passages and go entirely without pills. Heidi explained the procedure to me in detail and it ended up being virtually painless in spite of the locality near sensitive nerves in my face. When I woke up the next day I decided not to take any medication. I only sneezed two or three times the entire day instead of the dozens of times I usually sneeze, and I felt really, really good.

My insurance is Kaiser who unfortunately does not cover acupuncture, so Heidi worked with my budget. All in all, Dr. Fu treated me effectively and with no discomfort and no drugs. I definitely recommend giving acupuncture a try and Heidi will ensure that it is a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Update: I recently had a bout with really bad strep throat and was in immense pain. I was already on painkillers and antibiotics, and decided to try acupuncture as well. Once again I was pleasantly surprised with how effective the treatmen was, instantly helping to relieve the pain from my swollen throat and tonsils. I believe it helped speed up my recovery substantially."

Text message from Lisa B. San Jose, California

"Thanks again for helping out my mom; She liked the experience; We will resched until August when she comes back; I would like to try it out too :) "

By Jerry S. Palo Alto, California

" I have suffered from chronic depression for most of my adult life. Medication relieved the symptoms, but they only came back worse once it wore off. It was seriously affecting my happiness,my job, and my relationship with my family. Dr.Heidi Fu treated me with a combination of acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and counseling. For the first time in my life, I feel like the cloud has been lifted, and I can once again look forward to living every day. Thank you, Dr.Heidi, for giving me my life back."

By Mary L., San Jose, California

“Heidi is a warm, caring, friendly, capable acupuncturist. Treating patients is not just a way to earn money for Heidi. She genuinely cares about her patients. She asks questions, really listens and remembers the answers. She is willing to work with my budget and often goes over our allotted time because she wants to be thorough. She is always on time, always professional and provides a relaxing, clean, pleasant and pain-free environment. There isn’t an ailment Heidi can’t cure due to her extensive education and training.”

By Mark T., Sunnyvale, California

"Dr.Heidi Fu came highly recommended, especially when I mentioned to my friend that I was considering a first time acupuncture treatment.

Her treatment for my nausea was amazing. Before the treatment, I was worried, nervous, and felt nauseous -- moving slowly, maybe curling up and going to sleep off the nausea. After her treatment (she treated me so professionally and gently), my nausea was completely abated and I was left feeling like my old self and, most importantly, no longer felt nauseous at all. Amazing. I had no idea acupuncture could be used to relieve things on such an immediate level.

Her office was nice and relaxing as well, in a wonderful little garden office park in Los Gatos. Definitely recommended."

By Allan J., San Mateo, California

"I tried acupuncture as a last resort, after physical therapy and painkillers failed to relieve chronic muscle spasms and joint pain. I admit that I was skeptical, but had nothing to lose. I find Dr. Heidi Fu at Acupuncture Retreat from Google search online and her office in Los Gatos California.

I was very impressed by Dr. Fu, her thorough knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine. She listened carefully to my explanation, evaluated my symptoms, and then recommended several different options. The treatment we agreed upon was painless, even relaxing, and it really helped me.

For the first time in a decade, I can look forward to a full nights sleep without getting up to walk off painful leg cramps. I can sit comfortably for longer periods of time, and feel that I am well on the way to recovery. By following the nutritional and lifestyle counseling she gave me, I expect to enjoy a longer and healthier life.

I wish tried acupuncture and Chinese medicine years earlier. Dr. Fu changed my life for the better, and I would highly recommend her to anybody."

By Nico C.,Campbell, California

"I was very stressed out and unfocused, but Dr.Heidi Fu's expertise enticed me to try it out. Immediately I felt relaxed, focused, de-stressed and aware of everything. I enjoyed the music, her technique, and immediately felt better, my stress level and well-being have greatly improved since my visits to her. I definitely recommend Heidi Fu's acupuncture treatment to everyone!"

By John S., San Carlos, California

“A sciatic injury to my lower back left me unable to bend at the waist, or elevate my feet more than a foot above floor level. I could not sit at all, could barely walk, and suffered constant pain to my back and both legs. The best that conventional medicine could do for me was a prescription for powerful painkillers, muscle relaxants, ice packs, and a week or longer of bed rest. As the owner of a competitive business, and unable to abandon my clients for a week, I tried acupuncture.

The results were immediate, and truly remarkable. A single painless treatment by Dr. Heidi Fu restored full mobility to both legs, and approximately forty percent range of motion to my back. The pain in my legs was gone completely, and for the first time in several days, I was able to tolerate a full afternoon and night without pain medication. I have since returned to work, and am well on the way to full recovery. I have never experienced such a painful injury, or such outstanding results from a single treatment. I would not hesitate to recommend the professional offices of Dr. Heidi Fu to anybody.”

By Joseph B., Los Gatos, California

“I am a student studying a foreign language and have recently been getting huge headaches. In order to deal with the headaches I decided to get acupuncture. I found out about Dr. Heidi Fu online and went to her clinic. She was very professional and did a great job. After the acupuncture session my headache was gone and I was able to have a better focus on my studies. I highly recommend Dr. Fu's Acupuncture Retreat to anyone.”

By Joanthan M., Mountain View, California

"Acupuncture was recommended to me by my Orthopedic Surgeon as a method of pain relief for a rotator cuff injury. Dr.Heidi Fu treated me and the reduction in pain was significant and allowed me to participate more completely in my physical therapy. I am almost 100% recovered now from a recurring injury that has plagued me for 3 years in large part due to the acupuncture treatments from Dr.Heidi Fu. I would HIGHLY recommend Acupuncture and Heidi specifically to anyone suffering from pain due to a muscle injury." 

By Takacs M. San Jose, California

"I came to Heidi after hearing that acupuncture was an effective treatment for stress. My first impression was of the pleasing and beautiful location -- this wasn't a dinky office in a little strip mall, the entire location felt very professional. The environment reminded more of a spa than a doctor's office, which I appreciated.

As an acupuncture novice, I am still a bit nervous about needles. She addressed my concerns and made me feel very comfortable about the treatment options she recommended. She started with a traditional chinese medicine examination -- asking questions about my health, took my pulse (the normal numeric as well as an additional evaluation as "wiry"?), looked at my tongue (??) and tried to get a sense of what my chief concern was for the day.

We decided upon a traditional series of acupuncture points that would address my stress. I was nervous about the needles, but she explained each point , told me the name for each location (they have great names for each point and most have a story as well) and why we were putting a needle there, which helped me be less nervous.

When it got right down to it, I didn't even feel most of the needle points. The only one that was uncomfortable was a spot on my leg, which she worked with me until I was comfortable with it. She also explained this feeling was due to a "strong Chi sensation" and "acupuncture feeling". Finally, she made sure I was comfortable, and left me to enjoy the soft music and incense she had provided. I was surprised to find that I actually fell asleep briefly and woke up very relaxed.

I happened to take a phone call soon after my appointment, and my friend even commented on how relaxed I seemed. I'm definitely a fan, and think I might even be a regular since my insurance covers a reasonable amount of treatments. Give her a try."

If you like you may book your appointment on-line by clicking the "V Book Online" button. It is very straightforward and easy to use.


If you can not find your desired time slot on-line, please contact us:

1. Book an appointment with Dr. Fu available online:

2. By email:

3. by Text or Call Dr. Heidi Fu for your Appointment today: 1-408-982-7277

Professional service available in Dr.Heidi Fu's office

☯️ Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Pain, Infertility, Anti-aging, Beauty, Stress and Emotional Balance. Available Book appointment online:

❤️ American Heart Association (AHA) BLS-CPR, Heartsaver CPR, First Aid courses Book appointment online You will get 2 Certificates from AHA good for 2 years after you finish the course

We look forward to seeing you in our clinic!

Acupuncture Retreat

317 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd.

Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Acupuncture Retreat

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